Infinite Lead Generation Application

*One of the biggest causes of failure is procrastination and "waiting" for more ideal circumstances before we take massive action.
If you are selected into the Infinite Lead Generation program, it is expected that you will be one of the leaders in consuming our proven money-making blueprints & immediately applying the strategies once you learn them.
To maximize your results in this elite association, you will want to take instant action on EVERY aspect of this unique club.
To show us that you are ALREADY an action-taker, please share with us 2 ways that you have GROWN as an internet marketer over the last 12 months or so. (Example 1: in the past, you feared making a video and posting it, now you can do it with comfort and ease. Example 2: in the past, you had no idea how to make a FB ad, but now you have ran a promoted post or pay-per-click ad. Example 3: in the past, you shyly stayed in the background of the community, but now you openly share your "aha moments" and demonstrate leadership in the group).
*As you implement the techniques inside the Infinite Lead Generation program, and begin to experience extreme success in every area of your life, please answer these two questions:
What amount of monthly income amount would begin to allow you to start living a freer and more robust lifestyle? (Example: $8,000/month)
To give a little better view into your passions: as you become wealthier, what type of non-profit organization or group could you see yourself supporting more?

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